Older Adult Programs & Services Changes due to COVID-19

Although AAA staff are working remotely and not meeting with older adults face-to-face during the
Forward Dane - Phase Two order, we are available by calling our work phones or emailing us [see
Contact Us page]. This page provides updates on the AAA contracted programs and services that are affected by COVID-19.
For more information on the coronavirus please visit the following websites:
- WED 5/19/21 | 10 AM - 11 AM | Dragonfly Ecology
Robert Bohanan, ecologist and Outreach Program Manager with the University of Wisconsin will talk about dragonfly ecology and what they can tell us about the ecology of our neighborhoods. Dragonflies are a common feature of most landscapes throughout the world. They are typically associated with lakes, ponds, wetlands, streams and rivers. The larvae, or naiads, spend from one to nearly five years in a completely aquatic stage before emerging as a terrestrial flying adult. Naiads are often on the apex or top predators in ponds without fish, feeding on anything and everything that moves that they can catch and subdue. In bodies of water with fish (and sometimes significant frog and salamander populations) they are a critical part of the food system, again feeding on smaller organisms and serving as food for larger organisms. They are not especially sensitive to water quality being moderately tolerant of a range of conditions. However, they are sensitive to habitat changes, especially emergent vegetation and because many are visual predators, also are most effectively in relatively high water clarity. Robert is an ecologist with 30 years of experience in teaching, research, and outreach, most of which has included citizen science research and education. Robert’s research interests have included: sunfish and zooplankton, changes in stream macroinvertebrates, effects of flooding and drought on stream ecology, red wing blackbird territorial research, effects of damselflies on prey behavior, the evolution of case-building in midge larvae, effects of land use, land cover, and water quality on dragonflies. Though, his interests are many and varied, dragonfly ecology and behavior have been a constant theme.
- WED 6/2/21 | 10 AM - 11 AM | Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults
Lisa Tuttle is a Clinical Social Worker in the Addictive Disorders Treatment Program at the Madison VA. She focuses on working with people who are experiencing mental health challenges and are struggling with substance use. Prior to working in Mental Health and Substance use, she worked in a hospice setting. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Lisa will discuss substance use disorder in older adults including alcohol use, abuse and treatments.
- WED 6/16/21 | 10 AM - 11 AM | Walking Downtown
Audrey Palzkill is a Youth Experience Coordinator at the Wisconsin Historical Museum. She has a B.A. in English Literature from UW-Madison and loves the weird and spooky side of Wisconsin history. She will be sharing stories from the downtown Madison Walking Tours.
VIDEO: The Aging Network responds to COVID-19
Food Resources
Older adults (age 60+) are offered food resources through many avenues—and more are being planned. There may be some challenges along the way, but we’ll figure them out! Below is some information that may be helpful, and will answer some of the questions you have.
- Congregate & My Meal, My Way Restaurant Sites
There are no congregate meals being served at Senior Center Dining Sites--this includes the My Meal, My Way Restaurant sites. If you are age 60+ and need a home-delivered meal, please contact your Senior Focal Point and they will make this happen.
- Home-Delivered
To request a meal, older adults must call their Senior Focal Point.
Meals are delivered to the door of older adults (age 60+) and left in a plastic bag on an exterior ledge, outside of apartment doors, hung on door knobs, or placed outside as requested. To keep connected and ensure older adults are okay, delivery persons knock on the door, step back 6 feet, and wait for a response. If the driver does not get a response, they may try to call the older adult. If there is no answer, the driver will alert staff at the Senior Focal Point who will also call the older adult. If the older adult cannot be reached by phone, the Senior Focal Point staff will reach out to the older adult’s emergency contact on file or the local police to conduct a wellness visit.
For the safety of older adults, meal drivers are instructed not to deliver meals if they feel ill, or have any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Drivers are provided face masks, disinfecting wipes, and gloves to use if they would like for their own protection--not because they are ill with symptoms. Due to the increased number of meals being delivered, new volunteers are delivering meals. Older adults are asked to be patient with this service as it may take the volunteers a little longer to find residences.
Older adults are asked to contact their Senior Focal Point if special requests are needed for meals or if they have been tested for, or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath).
Due to the increased number of home-delivered meals and to reduce the exposure of older adults and volunteer drivers, many Senior Focal Points decreased the number days meals are delivered—but still offer meals covering Monday-Friday. Older adults receiving home-delivered meals will be notified of changes to their meal delivery schedule.
- Drive-Thru
Meals are offered to older adults (age 60+) at multiple sites; do not get out of your vehicle, a volunteer will deliver it to your car. Click on sites below for more details (click again to hide details).
200 Spring Street, Cambridge
Tuesdays & Fridays, noon - 1 pm
Call 838-7117 to request a meal a day prior.
505 W North St, DeForest
Wednesdays, 11 am - 1 pm
Call 846-9469 by noon Tuesday prior; pick-up meal ticket & donation envelope at DeForest Area Community & Senior Center’s parking lot and then drive to the restaurant & show ticket through the car window; food delivered to car.
Life Center Church | 4402 Femrite Dr, Madison
1st & 3rd Fridays/month, 1 pm -2 pm; Offering traditional Hmong food.
Call 571-3753.
1025 N Sherman Ave, Madison
Wednesdays, 3 pm - 4 pm; 1 meal delivered to cars
Call 512-0000 x 4006 by 10 am Thursday/week prior; will be given a pick-up time when placing order.
8 N Paterson St, Madison
Fridays, 3 pm - 4 pm; Fish Fry meal delivered to cars
Call 512-0000 x 4006 by Thursday noon.
5202 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Call 512-0000 x 2001 by 10 am the Thursday/week prior.
2019 Fisher St, Madison
Wednesdays, 10 am - 11:30 am; 2 meals catered by Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club
Call 512-0000 x 2001 by 10 am Thursday/week prior.
5724 Raymond Rd, Madison
Wednesdays; 3 pm – 4 pm; 1 meal catered by Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club
Call 512-0000 x 4006 by 10 am Thursday/week prior; will be given a pick-up time when placing order.
Mount Horeb
204 W Main St, Mt Horeb
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11 am - 1 pm
Call 437-8922 to place food order from a “Specials Menu” for pick up each day.
135 S Main St, Oregon)
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Pick-up meal ticket at Oregon Senior Center’s parking lot and then drive to Ziggy’s parking lot, and show ticket to staff through the car window; food will be delivered to your car.
248 W Main St, Stoughton
1st & 3rd Thursday/month; 11am-noon; 1 meal/person
Call 873-8585 at least one business day in advance to reserve meal & specific pick-up time.
Meal Delivery for HOME BOUND ONLY
Transit Solutions will pick up 2 meals from Kavanaugh's Esquire Club and deliver to home bound older adults (living in Madison or Monona, do not have a car, and do not have a proxy driver) on Fridays, 3 pm - 4 pm; call 512-0000 x 2001 by 10 am Thursday/ week prior; will be given a pick-up time when placing order.
For more information about the Dane County Nutrition Program, click here
Grocery Shopping
- Dane County Delivers: Senior Grocery Solutions is a new program where volunteers shop for groceries and Transit Solution/Care Van Service delivers groceries to homes. Contact Dane County Transportation Call Center 242-6489 with grocery list.
- Door-to-door grocery shopping trips continue but in small groups (maximum 2 people/trip), numerous trips available each day. Contact Dane County Call Center 242-6489.
- Dane County Transportation Call Center is coordinating delivery of food from local food pantries; call 242-6489.
- Many Senior Focal Points are also coordinating community volunteers to shop and deliver food to older adults (to include grocery stores and food pantries). Older adults should contact their Senior Focal Point for more details.
Senior Farmers’ Market Vouchers and Distribution (June-October 2021)
The Area Agency on Aging of Dane County offers vouchers to older adults for use in purchasing $25 worth of fruit, vegetables, or herbs at farmers’ markets and roadside farm stands in Wisconsin during the 2021 season (June to October). The vouchers are distributed on a first come/first serve basis to those age 60 or older, living in Dane County, who have gross incomes under the 185% poverty level: $23,828 per year (or $1,986/month) for a one person household and $32,227 (or $2,686/month) for a two person household. Households can only receive one set of vouchers – regardless of the household size.
Past participants will receive an application in the mail along with instructions for this year’s program. Once we receive and approve your completed application, vouchers will be mailed starting on June 1st. For those who have never participated in the program and wish to apply, call AAA Dietitian Shannon Gabriel at (608) 261-5678.
“This program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Nutrition Counseling
Free nutrition counseling is available over-the-phone to anyone 60 years or older. This service is for those seeking information on ways to improve their overall health. Proper nutrition is essential in maintaining strength, immune system, and energy during this difficult time. For more information, contact registered dietitian Shannon Gabriel at 261-5678 or
For more information about the Nutrition Counseling Program, click here
Case Management Services
Case managers are available by phone and email to provide information, resources, and support. During the Forward Dane - Phase Two order, case managers are continuing to call their clients to ensure their needs are being met. Home-visits are conducted on an extremely rare occasion. Older adults should contact their case manager or
Senior Focal Point if they have any questions or concerns.
Elder Benefit Specialists (EBS)
EBS staff are connected remotely and providing services to older adults (age 60+) by phone and email. Referrals are provided by the Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC). EBS staff are closely monitoring the recent changes to State & Federal benefits due to COVID-19.
FREE Welcome to Medicare Seminars offered virtually on on 5/15/21 and 9/18/21
9 - 11:30 AM.
Click here for more detailsClick here to learn about an online Medicare educational series.
For more information about the Dane County Elder Benefit Specialist Program, click here
Social Isolation Programs
- Through phone calls and emails, staff and volunteers from Focal Points and RSVP are offering a variety of opportunities to address social isolation. Older adults should contact their Senior Focal Point or RSVP (608-238-7787) to learn more about these efforts.
- Volunteers will connect with older adults to provide online socialization and physical and mental exercises. Contact DCDHS Dementia Crisis Program Specialist Joy Schmidt (Schmidt.Joy@countyofdane.com or 286-8183) to sign up to volunteer, make a referral, or register for this program.
- Updated Social Isolation Resource Guide is a tool to help combat social isolation and loneliness in older adults.
- Medical Appointment Rides
The RSVP Driver Escort program is offered for medically-essential appointments only. Older adults are asked to check with their physicians to confirm their appointment is considered medically essential. There is a limited number of volunteer drivers, so older adults must determine if family or friends are not available to provide a ride before requesting a RSVP Driver Escort. Older adults living outside of Madison/Monona should contact their Senior Focal Point for more details. Older adults living in Madison/Monona should call 441-7898 for more details. The Dane County Transportation Call Center also provides medically-essential rides and can be contacted at 242-6489.
- Metro Transit
The maximum number of passengers per bus is now 15. Riders are required to enter and exit the bus through the rear doors only. Fares will not be collected. Metro Transit is following Saturday schedules daily. For more details, see https://www.cityofmadison.com/metro/routes-schedules. Bus passes are no longer being distributed.
For more information about RSVP Programs, click here
For more information about Dane County Transportation Programs, click here