Board and Committees of the Area Agency on Aging of Dane County

AAA Board of Directors

Mandated by the State of Wisconsin in December 1972, the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) of Dane County Board of Directors serves in an advisory capacity to the Dane County Executive and the Dane County Health and Human Needs Committee. The AAA Board is designated as the planning, policy, and advocacy body of AAA. It also provides technical assistance to county departments and agencies, other governmental agencies, business and community groups, and the general public related to issues of aging and the needs of senior adults.

Purpose of the Board
The purpose of the AAA Board is to enhance the well-being of older adult residents of Dane County and to promote the independence and involvement of older persons in their community. The Board also advocates for older people in order to enable them to maintain their full potential and enhance their quality of life. The work of the Board includes policy development, budget prioritizing, identifying, planning, recommending, and overseeing of County aging services. The Board, in conjunction with AAA staff, creates and promotes opportunities for communication among the entire community, including local organizations and elected representatives, public and private planners, and providers of service.

Board Make Up & Tenure
The Board is made up of 11 members consisting of at-large community members and Dane County Board of Supervisors whom have a recognized ability and demonstrated interest in services for older adults. A majority of the at-large community members must be age 60 or older. Members serve staggered three-year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms.

Meeting Schedule
The AAA Board meets the first Monday of every month, 3:45 pm, at the Aging and Disability Resource Center (2865 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WI 53704).

Board’s Committees and County Representation
Community members interested in serving on the Board must complete an application (“Citizen's Application for Appointment to a Dane County Committee, Commission, or Board” found at Potential appointees are asked to provide education/special training and work/other experience which will be beneficial for carrying out the responsibilities as a Board member. The County Executive makes appointments to the Board which are then approved by the Board of Supervisors.

The three standing committees also welcome community volunteers to serve as members. Please email or call (608) 261-9930 for additional information.

Staff Support
AAA Manager Cheryl Batterman provides staff support to the Board. Contact her at (608) 261-9789 or

Members & Appointments
Click here to see list of Board Members & their committee appointments
Click here to see 2021 Board Member Bios

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AAA Access Committee

The AAA Board Chair shall appoint all members of the Access Committee. At-large member appointments must be approved by the AAA Board. At least two (2) members of the Committee shall be members of the AAA Board. All Committee members must be residents of Dane County, and a majority must be 60 years of age or older. Committee members shall serve three (3)-year terms. A Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected by the Committee and have voting rights.

The Access Committee establishes procedures and guidelines on issues of access such as elder abuse and neglect, case management, transportation, benefits counseling, and caregiver issues. Recommendations and position statements of the Access Committee shall be submitted to the AAA Board for further action. The Access Committee shall:

  1. Perform studies, develop issue papers, and make recommendations to the AAA Board on prevention and other issues and trends related to older adults.
  2. Develop, review, and update minimum standards for all case managers serving older adults.
  3. Research, review, and update the case management formula on factors and weights considered to be primary indicators of greatest economic and social issues of elderly persons.
  4. Advocate for older adults, including those with disabilities, to enable them to maintain full potential, enhance quality of life, and affirm the dignity and value of older adults by supporting their choices for living in their own community.
  5. Monitor senior service programs funded by AAA including Cultural Diversity Program, Elder Benefit Specialist Program, Grandparents & Other Relatives as Parents Caregiver Program, National Family Caregiver Support Program, Volunteer Services, and Volunteer Guardianship/Representative Payee Programs and receive periodic reports.
  6. Monitor grant-funded programs administered by AAA, including Medicare Improvements for Patients & Providers Act (MIPPA), and State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and receive periodic reports.
  7. Advocate for the Elder Abuse Program, Senior Transportation Services, and Victims of Crime Advocates Program and receive periodic reports from staff.
  8. Participate in activities of ADRC and other committees and groups working toward common goals.
  9. Conduct listening sessions at various sites in Dane County to ascertain needs of focal points and seniors specific to each area.
  10. Conduct listening sessions with various service providers to ascertain issues affecting older adults.
  11. Regularly monitor growth and trends in aging population statistics.
  12. Review committee description annually.

Click here to see list of AAA Access Committee members

Community volunteers are welcome to serve as Committee members. Please email or call (608) 261-9930 for additional information.

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AAA Legislative/Advocacy Committee

The Legislative/Advocacy Committee submits position statements to the AAA Board for approval. Those positions establish the basis for action on public policy issues. Positions taken by the Legislative/Advocacy Committee shall reflect the approved Dane County Legislative Agenda. The Legislative/Advocacy Committee may also make recommendations to the AAA Board on evolving senior issues. The Legislative/Advocacy Committee shall:

  1. Set priorities for action on issues that affect older adults of Dane County.
  2. Research issues in developing priorities and taking position.
  3. Develop links with groups providing services or advocating for older adults and the constituency concerned about aging issues in Dane County, especially the Dane County Focal Points and other agencies serving older adults.
  4. Follow deliberations of official bodies on positions taken by the Committee and report those actions to the aging constituency.
  5. Advocate with respect to positions taken by the Committee with federal, state, county, and local bodies responsible for taking action on those positions by:
    1. Communicating by letter, email, phone calls, public hearings, meetings, and personal contacts with public officials responsible for implementing the positions.
    2. Urging the Elderly Advocacy Network (EAN) and other groups to act on positions of the Committee.
    3. Providing educational opportunities for candidates for public office and public officials.
    4. Reporting to the AAA Board.
    5. Meeting with Dane County Lobbyist and others interested in legislative advocacy.
  6. Participate with other groups to implement positions taken by the Committee.
  7. Execute other related assignments as needed.
  8. Review committee description annually.

Members & Appointments
Click here to see list of AAA Legislative/Advocacy Committee members

Community volunteers are welcome to serve as Committee members. Please email or call (608) 261-9930 for additional information.

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AAA Nutrition/Wellness Committee

The Nutrition/Wellness Committee advises the Senior Nutrition Program on all matters relating to the delivery of nutrition and nutrition supportive services. An emphasis on Prevention and Prevention Programs is included in the philosophy and activities of the Nutrition/Wellness Committee. Positions taken by the Nutrition/ Wellness Committee shall reflect the approved Dane County Legislative Agenda and follow state policies. The Nutrition/Wellness Committee may also make recommendations to the AAA Board on evolving senior issues. The Nutrition/Wellness Committee shall:

  1. Promote policies and programs that enhance and increase the nutritional status of senior adults and prevent more costly health problems.
  2. Meet with participants at senior dining centers to ask about their satisfaction with the meals, as well as programs and services connected with the meals.
  3. Survey consumers and staff regarding transportation issues related to participation in the Senior Nutrition Programs.
  4. Review specific Senior Nutrition Program policies as indicated by state policies as needing local determinations.
  5. Develop and recommend standards for senior dining centers and home-delivered meals for use in contracts and site reviews.
  6. Review meal and participant data regarding each senior dining site and/or home-delivered meal provider and make recommendations to the AAA Board about locations and performance of Dane County nutrition providers.
  7. Inform the public about the benefits and costs of the Senior Nutrition Program.
  8. Assist staff with special projects, such as measuring outcomes and assisting with provider reviews.
  9. Review and make recommendations regarding Prevention Programs.
  10. Represent and speak on behalf of nutrition program participants and programs.
  11. As a liaison group, act as a communications clearinghouse between the nutrition and prevention programs and the general public.
  12. Make contacts with potential nutrition and prevention program volunteers and participants, and with potential Nutrition/Wellness Committee members.
  13. Set annual goals for program improvements.
  14. Review committee description annually.

Click here to see list of AAA Nutrition/Wellness Committee members

Community volunteers are welcome to serve as Committee members. Please email or call (608) 261-9930 for additional information.

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2865 N. Sherman Avenue
Northside Town Center
Madison WI, 53704
*Located inside the ADRC



Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri, 7:45 am to 4:30 pm

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